Weinberger on the Creation Process

Courage, merger and constant questioning of your own perception through new challenges are the basic prerequisite for advancement in the world of contemporary art for renewed artist Weinberger S. Without your own unique concept and vigor to openly show your creative work to other artists, in today's world of information flow and ultimate creative competencies you might end up stuck somewhere between birthday cards and personal orders.

The artist-work-spectator relation has always been an inevitable process of art regardless of the positive or negative outcome. Art itself is a factor that enhances or surprises the world, and without observers the story is simply incomplete. It is the same with Shaya Weinberger, just like every other observer, his impression and feelings have their own meaning and impact. In his case positive impression makes him quite happy while negative stimulate the formation of new ideas.

His work is currently part of the setting "Autonomy individuality" at the "P21" gallery in London. In addition to this, Shaya  is also exhibiting at three international group exhibitions and will have his independent representation in Berlin, Prague and Istanbul.

His current exhibition called 'Forget Lidice’ is part of the edition 'Block', in which he presented his art pieces on which he has been working for the past year. On September the 3rd Weinberger also took part of the group exhibition "Intimate transgression", where the visitors had the opportunity to see his creations until October 4.


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