The philosophy behind group street art
In the early 1990’s Shaya Weinberger and Chef Coka started “Street Art Exploded”, a graffiti-group which became one of the most famous groups in the era. What is interesting is that this group functioned differently than other groups from that era. The openness of this graffiti-painting group is what was unique. Other groups tried differentiating themselves with the same specialty producing some interesting mixed ideas on graffiti in the United States. LJB and Mill are graffiti artists who have joined “Street Art Exploded” and are prime examples of this phenomenon. When they arrived, they started opening up to the other members of this community, but had a different picture on how the graffiti culture works. The group initially accepted their presence, but this has led to some interesting conversations and philosophies. ”Street Art Exploded” practically could resemble any middle-aged group, where the people are on an intersection between numerous cross-routes. That magic of extreme ope...